Learn All You Need To Know About Soy Allergens

20 April 2020
 Categories: , Blog


Your body has a sophisticated immune system that protects to protect you from infections and anything that threatens your health. The stuff that endangers your health ranges from microorganisms and dirt to weather and food contents. Specifically, certain foods contain ingredients that might trigger a defensive response from your body. Such responses are an allergic reaction caused by the allergens contained in the food. The trend of reactions can run through family genes, so it would help to keep an eye on your children, siblings and others within the family tree. The following piece will teach you everything you need to know about soy allergens.

Detecting the Presence of Soy in Food

The first step in managing an allergic reaction to soy is to be on the lookout for foods containing soy allergens. Indeed, the food you react to might not only contain soy but also ingredients that are closely related to this protein. Examples here are edamame and hydrolyzed soy proteins. You should also avoid soy fibre, soy grits, soy flour, soy nuts and soy ice cream. Usually, the best food suppliers will include the phrase "May contain soy" on the label of the product to warn unsuspecting buyers. However, it is safer to go through the ingredients of the food you are buying in case it has any of the contents listed here.

The Danger of Contamination  

You need to consult a medical practitioner to understand the gravity of the situation when it comes to contaminated food. Even though food may not have the allergens you dread, it can acquire them during processing or handling. The allergen presence in such foods is not overly pronounced. It is residual. A health practitioner will help you understand if such foods are safe depending on your condition. When buying foods, look out for labels such as "manufactured on shared machinery" or "processed in soy-processing facilities."

What to Note

Traces of soy food allergens can also cause an attack through products that you least expect. Substances based on fats and proteins are common culprits. Beware of pet food, as you can react to it during or after handling. Additionally, take note of prescription and over-the-counter medicines. You need to let your doctor or medical caregiver know about your soy allergies to eliminate all risks.

Cross-contamination can also occur when you are dealing with lots of food. For example, refrain from buffet sections that have soy-based food in case cross-contamination occurs through shared utensils.

To learn more about this allergy, contact an allergen testing clinic.